Supporting youth innovative minds for cultural and creative entrepreneurship

About the project
The situation
The Covid-19 pandemic disproportionately impacted young people’s economic and employment opportunities, according to a report by the UN’s International Labour Organization (ILO), accentuating existing barriers and difficulties faced by youth and in particular by disadvantaged young people not in employment or education (NEETs).
Young people have a tremendous creativity and innovation capital that needs to be unleashed to drive the growth of European economies and societies. At the same time, various studies show the benefits of deploying culture as a tool for the empowerment, confidence building and social inclusion of disadvantaged youth. Creating value in the field of culture goes beyond economic growth and reinforces social inclusion and feelings of belonging.
The project
The Young Cultentrepreneurs project aims to create a non-formal learning ecosystem to entice, engage and equip NEETs with the necessary skills to enter the cultural and creative economy, and to allow their creativity, entrepreneurial and business skills to bloom.
Main Objectives
- To raise the capacity of youth workers to support youth cultural and creative entrepreneurship.
- To motivate and activate youth in NEET situation to channel their creative and innovation capital towards entrepreneurial ideas for the cultural and creative economy.
- To equip youth with skills (digital, entrepreneurial, creative) through a non-formal learning approach.
- To empower youth by providing them with the opportunity to produce and share their work.
Main Outputs
- Handbook for Youth Workers: The HOWs and WHYs for cultural and creative entrepreneurship
- The Young Cultentrepreneurs course to engage, inspire and unleash the youth potential for the cultural and creative economy
- The Young Cultentrepreneurs scrapbook for cultural and creative economy: Meet the innovative young minds